
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2019/08/23 01:23 2078 次瀏覽

What Is the Right of Publicity?知名度是什麼?

The right of publicity has multiple definitions, but it goes a little something like this: it is the state-by-state law that dictates how a person’s name and likeness can be used for commercial purposes without their consent.
right of  publicity有許多不同之定義。但其係雷同如以下:隨各州規範未經當事人同意,以商業目的利用其姓名及樣貌稱之。

Despite being very public-facing figures, celebrities do have the right of publicity, allowing them to control the commercial use of their respective names, images or likenesses, or the other unequivocal aspects of their own identities. It allows them to keep their image and likeness from being commercially exploited without permission or contractual compensation.

What Does It Take to Violate The Right of Publicity?侵害公開權時你該如作為?

The right of publicity can be violated when a company uses a celebrity’s name or likeness for advertising purposes without their explicit permission. It is for this reason that all celebrities used in advertisements or endorsements sign consent or release agreements.

The right of publicity is not violated, however, if the celebrity’s name or likeness is used in a non-commercial way. That type of use is protected by the First Amendment. Don’t get too excited, though; what is defined as “non-commercial” can be a bit of a gray area (especially in the age of social media).

蘇思鴻 律師

  • 聯絡電話: 0920235793
  • 執業年資: 5年以上
  • 蘇律師事務所
  • 竹東武功堂