
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2021/12/31 00:59 1168 次瀏覽

Ghislaine Maxwell could be headed to federal prison for the rest of her life.
Ghislaine Maxwell 餘生將在聯邦監獄度過

Maxwell, 60, faces up to 65 years in prison after she was found guilty Wednesday on five federal charges, including sex trafficking of a minor.
美國時間星期三,現年60歲之Ghislaine Maxwell ,於6項聯邦控罪中之5項,其中包括媒介未成年人為性交易,被認定有罪後,面臨最高65年之有期徒刑

Maxwell's attorneys said they plan to appeal.
Ghislaine Maxwell 的律師告訴記者說,後續於討論後再決定是否上訴。

US District Judge Alison Nathan has yet to schedule a sentencing hearing.
美國聯邦區法官Alison Nathan尚未排定量刑審訊日。

Meanwhile, legal experts say prosecutors could consider continuing their work investigating the crimes of the British socialite and the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to determine whether others should be charged.
法律專家對此同時表示,檢察官考慮繼續調查此英國名媛及最近被訴具戀童癖之Jeffrey Epstein有無其他犯行,以決定要否對之起訴。
Prosecutors may seek a deal with Maxwell before sentencing, said Joey Jackson, a CNN legal analyst and criminal defense attorney.
刑事辯護律師兼CNN法律分析員Joey Jackson表示,在宣告刑度前,檢察官可與Maxwell為量刑協商。

蘇思鴻 律師

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