
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2022/05/05 12:42 557 次瀏覽

Appeals Court Won’t Revive Lawsuit Challenging Talent Agencies Act

The National Conference of Personal Managers is again out of luck after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday affirmed the dismissal of the group’s lawsuit targeting California’s Talent Agencies Act.

The law requires that only licensed agents procure employment for clients, but many non-agents in the entertainment industry — from talent managers to attorneys — detest the law because it’s become a way that stars avoid paying commissions. For example, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson is currently before the California Labor Commissioner in an attempt to show that his ex-agent Brian Dreyfuss breached the TAA and that a 10 percent commission on Star Wars isn’t owed.
該法要求,只有持牌的經紀人可從事演藝工作之招募、接洽等,但在娛樂產業裏,有許多非持牌之經紀人憎恨該法,從藝人經理人到律師都有,因為它變成明星用以規避支付傭金的法式。例如:星際大戰—最後之絕地武士的導演Rian Johnson於加州勞工處主張他的前經紀人Brian Dreyfuss違反TAA,所以其未欠該經紀人星際大戰票房或其酬勞百分之10的傭金(究竟是票房或酬金的10%,文章無法得知)。

蘇思鴻 律師

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  • 執業年資: 5年以上
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