
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2019/07/14 00:15 2182 次瀏覽

Pictures and Public Appearances

3.(c) The Player agrees that his picture may be taken for still photographs,motion pictures or television at such times as the Club may designate and agrees that all rights in such pictures shall belong to the Club and may be used by the Club for publicity purposes in any manner it desires- The Player further agrees that during the playing season he will not make public appearances, participate in radio or television programs or permit his picture to be taken or write or sponsor newspaper or magazine articles or sponsor commercial products without the written consent of the Club,which shall not be withheld except in the reasonable interests of the Club or professional baseball.

蘇思鴻 律師

  • 聯絡電話: 0920235793
  • 執業年資: 5年以上
  • 蘇律師事務所
  • 竹東武功堂