
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2022/08/11 14:54 540 次瀏覽

When I was a college boy,I worshiped the guy who got license to parctice law in America especially Joe Biden,Bill Clinton so I decided to study law but everything didn't go well.As an attorney in America,you should attend to law school,after graduated you have to pass bar exam,it is quite hard and long way,at the same time the living standard is higher than Taiwan,it cost pretty much someone like me come from middle class could not afforded it alternatively I studied law in Taiwan and passed the bar exam finally I am a practice lawyer now.
There are pretty different between United Kingdom and USA.In U.K.,they divide lawyers into solictor and barrister.Barrister are who could attend to the court,defend for their client you can call them litigator not like solicitor they handle non-trial affairs but in Taiwan,we didn't do that,we just call the bar exam passed guy lawyer who can fix trial and non-trial matters.

蘇思鴻 律師

  • 聯絡電話: 0920235793
  • 執業年資: 5年以上
  • 蘇律師事務所
  • 竹東武功堂