
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2021/06/05 00:43 1517 次瀏覽

Q. What is the right of publicity? 何謂知名度(名氣權)?

The right of publicity is essentially your right to control who makes money off your name or image. It is not limited to celebrities– everyone has a right of publicity. State laws vary, but typically the law prohibits use of someone's name or likeness for commercial purposes without the person's consent. Several states extend this protection beyond the life of the individual. In California, for example, the estate of a deceased individual may sue up to 70 years after the person's death for a violation of the person's right of publicity. The law typically protects not only the use of one's name or image but also the use of look-alikes and "sound-alikes." For example, in September 2019, Ariana Grande sued Forever 21 for using what she argued was a model intended to look and dress like her in an advertising campaign.
right of publicity基本上即是你就他人未經你同意利用你的姓名或圖像獲取利益的權利。 該項權利並不限於名人才有—每個人都有right of publicity。而right of publicity的法律美國各州均有不同,原則上有承認right of publicity的州,其法律規定:未經他人同意,利用他人之姓名或與其樣貌酷似之圖像獲取商業利益,係被禁止的。有些州對right of publicity的保護甚至是超越人的一生。舉例來說,加州對right of publicity的保護,為人的一生加上其死後70年。法律不僅僅保護未得他人同意利用其姓名或圖像,還保護與他人樣貌酷似或聲音酷似。以2019年9月Ariana Grande 對 Forever 21一案為例,Ariana Grande主張Forever 21於廣告中,將模特兒裝扮成酷似於Ariana Grande,進而侵害其right of publicity。

蘇思鴻 律師

  • 聯絡電話: 0920235793
  • 執業年資: 5年以上
  • 蘇律師事務所
  • 竹東武功堂