
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2021/06/11 17:19 826 次瀏覽

Twitch Is Headed For a Copyright Disaster

Twitch may be forced to build its own ContentID–or pick a fight with the music industry.Twitch被迫建立自有的ID內容或者選擇與音樂產業一博

On Friday, Twitch sent out an email to its users letting them know that the company had received “about 1,000 individual claims from music publishers,” and “they will likely send further notices.” The message was clear: Stop using copyrighted music in your streams, and check your old videos before they get taken down.
星期五,推奇向其使用者發出電子郵件,讓其使用者 知悉,該公司已從音樂出版商接收大約1千件訴訟,同時他們將可能進一步發出通知。訊息是很明確的,停止在你的串流利用有著作權的音樂,同時在你的舊影片被下架前,檢查那些舊影片是否有侵害著作權。

This isn’t the first time that Twitch has wrestled with the problem of music on its platform, and it doesn’t look like the issue will resolve any time soon. Eventually, Twitch may only have two options: Either build new tools to help bridge the gap between creators and rights holders, or turn on one of those groups.這已非第一次,推奇於其平與音樂著作權的問題而相互角力,其看似非能快速解決之議題。最終,推奇只有兩個選擇:不是搭起一個協助創作者與權力擁有者間溝通橋梁之新工具,就是打開那些集團之一。

Twitch’s most recent email is notable for a number of reasons, and they’re worth going through point by point.

蘇思鴻 律師

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