
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2023/01/01 20:37 321 次瀏覽

Donald Trump: I’m a Billionaire!

Who knew the word billionaire meant so much? In 2009, Donald Trump filed a $5 billion defamation lawsuit against author Timothy O'Brien who claimed in his book TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald that the real estate mogul wasn't actually a billionaire, but a millionaire. A New Jersey appeals court affirmed a lower court's ruling to dismiss the suit in September, ruling that Trump did not show that O'Brien committed "actual malice" by citing sources who estimated that Trump's net worth was between $150 million to $200 million.
孰人可知百萬富翁真值得這麼回事?2009年富豪川普對作家Timothy O'Brien起訴請求50億美元之賠償(誹謗),原因是該作家於其所著之書宣稱,川普吹捧自己係億萬富翁,實則乃百萬富翁而已。新澤西上訴法院維持下級法院駁回原告之訴的判決,理由是川普無法證明Timothy O'Brien引述其所依據資料顯示,川普之淨值落在1億5千萬美元至2億美元間,係惡意。

蘇思鴻 律師

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