
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2019/08/28 20:51 2745 次瀏覽

Judge Rules Johnson & Johnson Must Pay $572 Million for Helping Fuel Opioid Crisis in Oklahoma
法官判決Johnson & Johnson必須對其於奧克拉荷馬州所引發類鴉片藥物之危害給付5億7千2百萬美元的賠償金

In the first decision to hold a drug-maker accountable for any part of the decades-long opioid crisis, a district judge in Cleveland ruled Monday that Johnson & Johnson must pay more than $572 million for its role in flooding Oklahoma with the dangerous painkillers.
作為首個認定藥商要對其造成數十年久鴉片類藥物氾濫之任何環節係可究責的判決。星期一克里夫蘭地區法院法官判決 Johnson & Johnson須就其成為奧克拉荷馬州止痛藥氾濫成災一角,給付超過5億7千2百萬美元之賠償金。

The decision, handed down by Cleveland County District Judge Thad Balkman, came in the first of many state cases against pharmaceutical companies to go to trial. (The company has said it will appeal the ruling.) More than 40 other states have filed similar claims, and it’s likely Monday’s decision will affect those cases. Separately, one giant federal lawsuit composed of complaints from nearly 2,000 cities, counties, and other smaller entities is scheduled to go to trial in October.

該判決為由克里夫蘭郡地區法官Thad Balkman所作出,係諸多州審理對藥商提告藥害案件中,第一個判決(該公司表明期將會對此判決上訴)。有超過40個州提起類似之訴訟。同時星期一的判決可能影響其他正在訴訟的案件。可茲區別地,一個囊括從將近2000市、郡和其他小公司之超大聯邦訴訟預計在10月起訴。

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter brought the case in 2017 against Johnson & Johnson, Purdue Pharma, and Teva Pharmaceuticals. The state settled with the two other companies, getting $85 million from Teva and $270 millionfrom Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, which owns the company. But Johnson & Johnson, which directly sold two prescription opioids and had two subsidiaries that also grew and supplied the opioids’ ingredients, instead faced a lengthy non-jury trial in which it insisted it had not misled doctors and was not responsible for any negative effects from legal, FDA-approved drugs. (Johnson & Johnson is perhaps better known to the public for its toothpaste, baby products, and many other household goods.)
奧克拉荷馬州檢察長Mike Huntery在2017年對 Johnson & Johnson, Purdue Pharma和 Teva Pharmaceuticals等起訴,從Teva得到8千5百萬美元的賠償金,從 Purdue Pharma 和擁有Purdue Pharma 之Sackler 家族獲得2億7千萬美元之賠償金。但直接販售兩種類鴉片處方藥之Johnson & Johnson公司,和兩家栽種和供應類鴉片成分之子公司,取而代之的是,面臨一個冗長無陪審團的審判,而在這訴訟中,其堅稱其未誤導醫師,同時主張就已經FDA核准之用藥所生之副作用要負法律上責任(Johnson & Johnson就其所製造之牙膏、嬰兒產品和其他家用品為公眾所知)。

蘇思鴻 律師

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