
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2021/02/16 17:38 1303 次瀏覽

What is Entertainment Law?

Entertainment law is the collection of the many areas of law that impact the entertainment industry. 娛樂法是諸多影響娛樂產業眾法領域之集合。Entertainment law is the sum total of several different types of law that are relevant to the entertainment industry including transactional law and litigation. 娛樂法是數個與娛樂產業相關連包括調解及訴訟之不同類型法律的總稱。Laws that impact the entertainment industry include federal and state laws, rules created by government agencies and common law legal precedent created by the courts.影響娛樂產業的法律包括聯邦及州法,政府機關制定的準繩,法院創設習慣法之判決先例。Entertainment law impacts not only the talent that performs in the entertainment industry but also the production aspects of creating entertainment content.娛樂法不僅影響藝人於娛樂產業之表演 ,同時影響娛樂創作內容之製作觀點。

Types of law that are part of entertainment law

There are many types of law that are all a part of entertainment law. An entertainment lawyer practices any of these types of law:有諸多法律類型屬所有娛樂法之部分。娛樂法律師就這些法律類型之任一領域為其執業範疇。

Contract law in entertainment law

A large part of entertainment law is contract law.契約法占娛樂法中之大宗。 Some contracts in the entertainment industry last years while others are for a single event.一些在娛樂產業之契約持續數年,然而其他則僅係適用於單一事件,亦即一時性,非持續性。 Contracts in the entertainment industry might involve very large amounts of money. 於娛樂法中之契約往往涉及鉅額金錢。Drafting and negotiating contracts is a key part of entertainment law. 契約之磋商與協商處於娛樂法之關鍵部分。Lawyers must work to carefully to negotiate agreements that are favorable to their clients. 律師們必須專注於磋合有利於其客戶之協議。They must be mindful of issues like enforceability of contract terms and damages in the event of a breach.他們必須留心諸如契約條款可履行與違約之損害賠償金等議題。

Non-compete agreements in entertainment law

Non-compete agreements are often a large part of entertainment law. 競業條款處於娛樂法之大部分。A production company may want to develop a talent and promote them. 一製作公司想要塑造出一位藝人同時行銷它們。They may want assurances from the talent that they aren’t going to go work for the competition for a period of time after their employment ends with the company.製作公司想要在藝人合約結束後之一段期間內,不得在與原公司處於競爭關係隻同類公司中工作 ,而獲得擔保。An agreement that restricts a talent from working for the competition is called a non-compete agreement. 一紙禁止藝人競業之合約被稱為“競業條款”。Both national on-air talents and local talents may have a non-compete agreement as part of their employment contract. 全國實況播出及本地藝人兩者都將競業條款作為它們受雇契約之部分。However, non-compete agreements must be reasonable. 然而,競業條款必須是合理的。Both creating a non-compete agreement and challenging its enforceability may be part of entertainment law.創設競業條款與挑戰其可為之履行,此兩者屬於娛樂法之部分。

Litigation in entertainment law

Even carefully drafted contracts may result in disagreements in entertainment law. 即便是小心翼翼擬出的契約也可能在娛樂法中造成歧異。When there are disputes, people and organizations in the entertainment industry turn to litigation. 當有爭議發生爭議發生,在娛樂產業中之自然人和法人轉而訴諸於訴訟。They might use litigation to resolve contract disputes, torts, employment disputes and other types of wrongs or disagreements.他們利用訴訟解決契約、侵權,雇傭爭議及其他類型之違法或歧異。 Lawyers who practice litigation entertainment law must be skilled in civil procedure, trial advocacy and alternative dispute resolution in order to help their clients achieve favorable outcomes when entertainment leads to litigation.當娛樂爭議導向訴訟,為了協助客戶達成有利於客戶之結果,娛樂訴訟之執業律師必須專精於民事程序、審判辯護及取代爭議解決機制。

Labor and employment law in entertainment law

Entertainment lawyers must be mindful of labor and employment laws that apply to their industry. 娛樂法律師須留心適用於該產業之勞工與就業法。Whether it’s written law from a federal or state agency or it’s a negotiated union contract, entertainment lawyers who employ talent and production staff must be sure to follow labor and employment laws. 然而其被聯邦或州機關制定法律或被磋商成公會契約,雇用藝人和製作團隊之成員,娛樂法律師必須確定遵循勞工和就業法。Labor and employment laws that are applicable in the industry may relate to fair hiring practices, maximum allowed hours of work, workers compensation or safety regulations.適用於該產業之勞工與就業法可能與公平雇用慣例、允許工作最高時數、勞動者之補償金或安全規範有關。

Compliance law in entertainment law

Entertainment producers have to comply with a number of rules and regulations. 娛樂製作人須遵循眾多法規與準繩。The Federal Communications Commission creates regulations that apply to the entertainment industry. 邦通訊委員會制定了許多適用於娛樂產業的法規。For example, there are FCC restrictions that prevent radio and television companies from owning too much control of any geographic market.舉例,聯邦通訊委員會定了許多限制,禁止廣播電視於任何區域市場菊獨占管制的地位。 In addition, if a radio or television station gives one political candidate time on the air, it must give equal opportunities to other political candidates.此外,廣播電台或電視台若賦予一候選人上電台或電視台的時間,同樣地要賦予另一候選人同等機會,以示公平、公正。Entertainment companies rely on attorneys in order to help them comply with the myriad of regulations that oversee the entertainment and communications industries.娛樂公司諮詢律師目的是為了要協助他們遵循無可數計的法規,以便監督其所有的娛樂和通訊產業。

蘇思鴻 律師

  • 聯絡電話: 0920235793
  • 執業年資: 5年以上
  • 蘇律師事務所
  • 竹東武功堂