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Russian supermodel files $20 million lawsuit against Ralph Lauren, HBO(2020/11/16)

俄羅斯超模對Ralph Lauren, HBO等提起民事訴訟求償2千萬美元

A Russian supermodel filed a $20 million lawsuit Monday against Ralph Lauren Corp. and HBO in New York Supreme Court for unauthorized use of her photos.

俄羅斯超模Anastassia Khozissova就Ralph Lauren Corp. and HBO等未經其授權而利用其照片乙事,於星期一在紐約地方法院對Ralph Lauren Corp. and HBO等起訴,求償2千萬美元。

Anastassia Khozissova, the ex-girlfriend of Oscar Pistorius, alleged in 2004 that Ralph Lauren himself approached her to be a muse for a number of his collections — including the highly desired book “Diary of a Collection,” which features “intimate and breathtaking photographs.”

Anastassia Khozissovaj前男友為Oscar Pistorius,宣稱於2004年Ralph Lauren親自聯絡她,要求其成為許多收藏集之繆思女神,包括Ralph Lauren極欲集結成冊之名為“收藏日記”一書,其以令人屏息之個人照為特色。

“Ms. Khozissova’s beauty is only matched by her tremendous talent,” said Michel Botbol, senior vice president and creative director for Ralph Lauren Corp.’s Womenwear, at the time.

當時Ralph Lauren Corp.女裝副總裁兼創意總監Michel Botbol說道:Khozissova係美貌與才氣相匹配之無獨有偶的一位超模。

In 2014, the model discovered “an elaborate fraud scheme within Ralph Lauren Corp.” which resulted in her ouster from the company. As a result, she has “suffered severely, including loss of sleep, lack of ambition, and a severe career crisis,” the lawsuit alleges.

2014年,Anastassia Khozissova發現Ralph Lauren Corp精心設計一齣騙局,造成她被公司趕走。也因此導致身心受創,包括失眠、喪失進取心,同時面臨事業危機,其訴狀如此寫著。

Ralph Lauren continues to use Khozissova’s photos and she was featured in HBO’s documentary “Very Ralph,” which airs on streaming services and the internet.
Ralph Lauren繼續利用Khozissovay在HBO紀錄片Very Ralph特集裏的照片,其在串流服務與網路上大肆播放。

Her photographs can be seen at the Ralph Lauren store in Moscow and the Polo Bar 1 on the Upper East Side.
她的照片在 莫斯科的Ralph Lauren商店與 Polo Bar 1上東區都能被看見。

The model, who has not been compensated, says Ralph Lauren Corp. and HBO used her photographs, image, film and other likeness without her written consent.
Ralph Lauren Corp.及HBO說道:其等未經Anastassia Khozissova書面同意利用其照片、圖像、影像及其他與Anastassia Khozissova具身分同一性相連結的因子,而Anastassia Khozissova未受到任何補償或賠償。

“This lawsuit is entirely without merit,” a Lauren rep said.
Ralph Lauren Corp.代表說道:本件訴訟全然沒有法律依據。

HBO could not be reached for a comment.


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