
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2021/07/01 20:25 506 次瀏覽

Unfortunately, the Decision Overturning Bill Cosby's Conviction Makes Sense

Don't blame the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Blame prosecutor-turned–Trump lawyer Bruce Castor.
別怪罪賓州最高法院,要怪就怪從檢察官轉職為川普律師的Bruce Castor。

Notable case of Bruce Lee Castor Jr.

  • Bill Cosby – Castor declined to prosecute Cosby for sexual assault in 2005 after he found "insufficient, credible and admissible evidence exists upon which any charge against Mr. Cosby could be sustained beyond a reasonable doubt". In November, 2014 and through the November 2015 election, Castor's decision was heavily criticized, especially when other women came forward to accuse Cosby. Castor, however, assessed that none of these women known to him at the time would have been allowed to testify, making them legally irrelevant to the question of whether Castor should have arrested Cosby.On December 30, 2015, with the statute of limitations about to expire, Cosby was charged with felony sexual assault.At a preliminary hearing on February 2, 2016, Castor testified that he made a promise to never prosecute Cosby for the incident,but Judge Steven T. O'Neill ruled that the promise was not legally binding on the current district attorney, and ordered that the criminal case proceed.O'Neill further found that only Castor’s word and no other evidence supported his contention and that the deal had never been memorialized in writing, and Castor was ultimately not a credible witness.O'Neill's ruling was reversed by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on June 30, 2021,which held that Castor's non-prosecution pledge was in fact binding on Cosby's prosecutor; this ruling resulted in the overturning of Cosby's conviction and his release from prison.

    凱斯特在2005年發現就對寇斯比先生之控罪無任何充分、可信及可採納的證據,以超越合理之懷疑應被維持,故拒絕以性侵罪名起訴寇斯比。在2014年11月至2015年11月之選舉期間,凱斯特對寇斯比的不起訴處分被大大地批評,尤其是陸陸續續有數名女性出面指控寇斯比時。 然而,凱斯特當時衡酌這些允許作證的女性中沒有半個是寇斯比所認識的,進而使她們與凱斯特要否逮捕寇斯比這個問題在法律上毫無關聯。在2015年12月30日,隨著追訴期間即將屆至,寇斯比被控性侵害之重罪。在2016年2月2日預審日 ,凱斯特作證說:他之前承諾就此性侵案絕不起訴寇斯比,但法官Steven T. O'Neill裁定該承諾對目前承辦檢察官不具法律上拘束力,同時命本案續行。O'Neill法官進一步判定僅有凱斯特片面之承諾,而無其他足以支持其主張的證據,同時兩人間之協議從未有書面載述,最終認為凱斯特非一位可信之證人。O'Neill的判決在2021年6月30日為賓州最高法院所撤銷 ,其認為凱斯特對寇斯比不起訴的承諾,事實上拘束起訴寇斯比的檢察官。此判決使之前對寇斯比的控罪被推翻,因此他從監獄裏被釋放。

蘇思鴻 律師

  • 聯絡電話: 0920235793
  • 執業年資: 5年以上
  • 蘇律師事務所
  • 竹東武功堂