
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2022/06/20 23:05 582 次瀏覽

How do I resolve a dispute about infringement of copyright?

Choosing an appropriate dispute resolution mechanism depends on a number of factors. For example, you should consider the following-

  1. What the end goal is – a court has less flexibility in awarding the options listed above than negotiation with the infringer directly or mediation;
  2. How much time, effort and money is available to resolve the dispute – courts operate to fixed timescales and court procedure is regarded as complex – certain courts require legal representation;解決爭議所需耗費時間、成本及金錢之多寡
  3. The attitude of the other party – dealing with an apologetic infringer or a charity with limited funds will be different to dealing with a flagrant infringer or a large corporation. Fraud-aware organisations may require high levels of proof of ownership of copyright before taking a claim seriously.
  4. Whether the dispute is UK based.

Dispute resolution mechanisms can be described as formal or informal. Formal dispute resolution takes place when disputes are resolved in a court of law or in another formal setting, such as arbitration. In contrast, parties may choose informal mechanisms such as negotiation and mediation to settle their disputes.

The main forums for dispute resolution in the UK are: –

  • Negotiation 協商between the parties – this can be very informal and involve exchange of correspondence or telephone calls. Negotiation may also take place between professional agents appointed to represent the parties, or there may even be a more formal negotiation meeting. Negotiation is usually confidential. The costs involved are usually the time of the parties negotiating, the costs of correspondence and travel expenses.
  • Mediation 調解– this refers to a situation when an impartial third party hears both sides of the dispute and helps the parties to come to an agreement to resolve the dispute. A professional mediator can be used. Mediation is usually confidential. The costs involved are similar to negotiation but a mediator’s fee may have to be considered.
  • Arbitration 仲裁– this is when a third party is appointed to listen to the dispute and to make a decision on the outcome. Usually an arbitrator is an expert in the area of the dispute. Arbitration is usually confidential and there will be costs involved in the arbitration process.
  • Court Action訴訟 – in a court action each party, or their agent, makes their argument before a judge who then makes a decision on the outcome with reference to the law. Court Action is a matter of public record. Court fees are payable for starting an action and at various stages in the process, including hearings. In the UK, there is a general rule that the losing party may have to reimburse some of the costs of the successful party but this can be limited.

Before you pursue Court Action you must be sure to follow any applicable Pre Action Protocol requirements. This stage can be difficult to get right without taking professional advice.

If infringement has occurred on a third-party intermediary platform or website, you may find that the website has its own ‘takedown’ procedure. Usually when you sign up with an online platform you are required to accept ‘terms and conditions’ which are accessible on the website – you may find that these control how you can pursue enforcement action when infringement happens on the platform.

If the infringement took place outside the UK or the defendant is located outside the UK, it is best to seek professional advice on your options.

蘇思鴻 律師

  • 聯絡電話: 0920235793
  • 執業年資: 5年以上
  • 蘇律師事務所
  • 竹東武功堂