▲蘇狀師談Darrell Brooks trial

蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2022/10/21 11:40 331 次瀏覽

Darrell Brooks trial
昨晚及今早凌晨於youtube聆聽Darrell Brooks的審訊,發現一個與我國法制非常不一樣的情況,那就是被告親自為自己辯護,沒有律師;要知道這是一個涉及故意殺人的案件,被告開車闖入遊行隊伍,造成6人死亡,當然這涉及過失致人於死還是故意殺人,經偵查後,檢察官以故意殺人起訴;這在臺灣是屬於強制辯護的案件,被告若未委任律師,由審判長指定公設辯護人或律師,為被告辯護。於是我在youtube留言區提出問題,問到為何被告無公設辯護人為其辯護,有網友留言寫到,被告Darrell Brooks將其公設辯護人fired,所以他便以「律師」的身分為自己辯護(視訊片下的特別以as  an attorney等字眼表述)。我個人是很驚訝,這在臺灣是不會出現的,否則犯重罪的被告都捨棄公設辯護人,成為無辯護人的被告,那強制辯護形同具文。

Prosecutors on Thursday, Oct. 20 rested their case in the Darrell Brooks trial, charged in the November 2021 Waukesha Christmas parade attack. The state called 57 witnesses to testify over the two weeks of the presentation of prosecutors' case-in-chief.

After the prosecution rested, the court took its lunch break for the day. Immediately following the break, Brooks cried as he delivered his deferred opening statement to the jury. Brooks then called two witnesses to testify Thursday (technically three, but one was denied by the court.)

蘇思鴻 律師

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