
蘇思鴻 律師
發表時間:2022/05/15 21:45 565 次瀏覽

Successful movie agents can make a lot of money when representing famous clients during a negotiation for a movie contract. Movie agents represent actors, screenwriters and directors, but they can also represent musicians, athletes or others involved with a movie. Usually referred to as talent agents, representing clients in the movie industry is only one aspect of what agents do. They also help their clients earn money for public appearances, television interviews and more.

Typical Talent Agent Salary藝人經紀人之報酬

Earnings vary over the course of the year for movie agents because they work on commission, but the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates a median wage for agents in the movie and video industry at $73,740 per year in 2019. Around 17,060 agents are employed nationally in all industries,but only a small fraction of those will work in the movie industry. Average talent agent commission rates, according to the Screen Actors Guild, are 10 percent of the represented client's earnings.
電影界經紀人之收入年年呈現多樣性變化,係殷其等以佣金來做為收入依據;U.S. Bureau of Labor 統計數據顯示,影視界經紀人2019年平均收入達73740美元。全國約有17060位經紀人受雇於不同之產業,這之中僅有一小丁點是在電影圈執業。根據Screen Actors Guild之資料顯示,經紀人之報酬係所代表客戶收入10%做為佣金。

Regions and Commissions執業地區與佣金

The majority of agents work in New York or California. Regulations in New York limit an agent's earnings to a maximum of 10 percent of a client's earnings. In California, the maximum tops at 20 percent to 25 percent, according to the Screen Actors Guild. Besides commissions from movies, agents can make commissions from a client's work that involves billboard displays, rehearsals, audition overtime, fitting fees, holiday pay, location pay, stunt adjustments, weekend premiums and more.

Other Areas of Employment電影業之外之執業

Agents are also employed by others outside the movie industry. There were 12,960 agents employed by artists, entertainers and other public figures according to bureau statistics for 2019. The annual mean wage for these agents listed at $102,300. Those who work in the performing arts industry representing clients in sports and similar events earned a mean annual wage of $67,260. Agents representing independent artists, performers and writers made an average salary of $71,380. Agents representing those in the sound recording industries garnered annual average salaries of $88,060.

Education and Career Outlook人才之養成及展望

As movie and entertainment salaries rise, so do the salaries earned by agents. Growth rate for agents as a whole is projected to be in the region of 7 to 10 percent, according to O*Net Online, which is faster than the average data listed by the statistics bureau. This equates to approximately 2,600 new talent agent jobs between 2018 and 2028 for agents. Most agents obtain a bachelor's degree and have one to five years of experience. They gain experience working with a reputable talent agency in any position they can.
如同電影及娛樂業之薪資上揚,經紀人之報酬亦水漲船高。根據et Online經紀人之人數成長了7%到10%(7到10個百分點),尤較統計機關所表列之平均值還要快。這相當於在2018年至2028年有2600個藝人經紀人之工作機會。大多數之經紀人有學士學位及1到5年不等的工作經驗。他們從聲譽卓著的藝人經紀公司獲取經驗,諸不論於該 公司從事何職務。

蘇思鴻 律師

  • 聯絡電話: 0920235793
  • 執業年資: 5年以上
  • 蘇律師事務所
  • 竹東武功堂