
網路上常見許多網紅以線上直播,來公開傳輸自己的節目或銷售自己的商品或服務,其涉及到那些著作財產權? 首先,網紅以網路線上直播的方式,播出自己的節目,該節目屬於視聽著作,視聽著作涉及到公開上映,公開上映權只有視聽著作方得享有;而公開傳輸則不現於著作權法所規定的10款著作中任何一種著作類型,亦即著作權...


Dua Lipa The Latest Celeb Sued For Posting Photo Of Herself On Social Media 名人杜娃·黎波於其社群媒介上傳個人照而被訴 Singer Dua Lipa is facing legal action after pos...


The right of publicity doctrine was founded on the idea of protecting celebrities’ likenesses from being appropriated by another party without compens...


Vanessa Bryant vs Los Angeles County Back in Aug 2022, Vanessa Bryant, the widow of legendary basketball star Kobe Bryant, and another male victim ...


Mayim Bialik sues groups over false CBD endorsement ads in Florida court 律師我看不懂英文,請翻譯一下。怎麼樣! Mayim Bialik在佛羅里達法院提告一拖拉庫公司,起因係這一拖拉庫公司以CBD名為不實之代言廣告。 ...