
Q. What is the right of publicity? 何謂知名度(名氣權)? The right of publicity is essentially your right to control who makes money off your name or image. ...

▲藝人Miley Cyrus被狗仔隊告侵害著作權

Miley Cyrus is the latest in a run of celebrities facing copyright infringement claims from photographer Robert Barbera, who brought a claim against M...


Donald Trump: I’m a Billionaire! 百萬富翁還是億萬富翁,有那麼重要嗎?對有些人來說,這真他mom的是一回事(攸關個人知名度,知名度是一種無體財產,價值不斐) Who knew the word billionaire meant so much? In 200...

▲Ed Sheeran於著作權案勝訴對音樂業界是一大勝利

Say It Out Loud: Ed Sheeran’s Copyright Win Is A Victory For Music 大聲說出來:Ed Sheeran於著作權侵害訴訟勝訴對音樂業界是一大勝利 The verdict is in. In a victory for music,...


To learn about some of the most successful campaigns companies have launched with celebrities, keep reading below. 名人加持造成轟動之案例 1. Travis Scott & M...