2020/05/26 02:49
2020/05/19 22:37

Assignments and Licensing Overview  作品讓與及授權概論 As an artist, one of the best ways to make money is to license or assign your work. Although many pe...


蘇狀師談娛樂法 一、問題 甲經營服飾店,為了增加買氣,遂以店內的音響播放時下最流行的歌曲(CD),以招攬客源,問甲的行為有無侵害著作權? 二、解析 首先,CD屬於何種著作?或者一張CD包含了那些著作?我們假設本題CD裏只有一首單曲。(避免問題太過複雜) CD在著作權法屬於錄音著作;...


New York-based O’Neil asserts that Hadid infringed his exclusive rights as the copyright holder of the photo “by reproducing and publicly displaying [...


Right of Publicity v Copyright Infringement 知名度v著作權侵權 There have been instances in which a Right of Publicity claim has been preempted by Plaintif...


In what the plaintiff called a “nearly identical” case filed at the beginning of 2019, Hadid similarly copied and posted a paparazzi photo of herself,...