
Q. What is the right of publicity? 何謂知名度(名氣權)? The right of publicity is essentially your right to control who makes money off your name or image. ...


In a recent ex tempore decision of the British Virgin Islands ("BVI") Commercial Court (the "BVI Court"), the Honourable Mr Justice Wallbank exercised...


    【  事實經過  】 委任人阿雄與阿弟係兄弟,眾人均在家族公司任職,阿弟不服阿雄遭選任為最新董事,阿弟竟利用公司尚未變更登記的機會,除向法院起訴要求阿雄交出公司印章,並向法院申請假處分禁止阿雄使用公司印章,圖為妨礙阿雄之經營。......https://www.alicel...


Vanessa Bryant vs Los Angeles County Back in Aug 2022, Vanessa Bryant, the widow of legendary basketball star Kobe Bryant, and another male victim ...


美國時間周四引自媒體報導 After hearing more than 100 hours of testimony over six weeks, jurors have finished hearing evidence in the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard ...