
Just two months after the end of her second copyright infringement lawsuit, fashion model Jelena Noura “Gigi” Hadid was sued for a third time, on Sept...


In what the plaintiff called a “nearly identical” case filed at the beginning of 2019, Hadid similarly copied and posted a paparazzi photo of herself,...


assumption of risk 自承風險   assumption of risk 自承風險 風險承擔(assumption of risk、自承風險)屬於英美侵權法中的一種抗辯,如果被告能夠證明原告自願且明知地承擔了他所處的危險活動中所受的損害之固有的風險,則法律就會限制或減少原告...


我國著作權法上之權利耗盡原則 權利耗盡原則可分為國內耗盡與國際耗盡,我國著作權法採國內耗盡原則,此可觀著作權法第59條之1,在中華民國管轄區域內取得著作原件或其合法重製物所有權之人,得以移轉所有權之方式散布之可明。 何謂權利耗盡原則,用淺顯的話來說,亦即「一條牛不可剝兩次皮」,例如你買到...


Acting Agents – Exclusive and non-exclusive contracts 當職經紀人–專屬及非專屬契約 Exclusive An Exclusive contract with a talent agent means that your agent repr...