
AI-generated art can be copyrighted, say US officials – with a catch 美國現今的見解,人工智能創作的作品是可享有著作權的;但… The US Copyright Office will consider an AI-ge...


Vanessa Bryant vs Los Angeles County Back in Aug 2022, Vanessa Bryant, the widow of legendary basketball star Kobe Bryant, and another male victim ...


Best Defenses to Right of Publicity Claims 有時某人係基於惡意起訴他人侵害其知名度;當然,其訴不見得有理由,通常是藉此威脅對造,以取得和解金。是故,對此類訴訟須了解如何答辯以保全自己。 If a company uses a person’s pho...


The co-plaintiff in Vanessa Bryant’s lawsuit against Los Angeles County over the horrific photos taken from the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Brya...


Donald Trump: I’m a Billionaire! 百萬富翁還是億萬富翁,有那麼重要嗎?對有些人來說,這真他mom的是一回事(攸關個人知名度,知名度是一種無體財產,價值不斐) Who knew the word billionaire meant so much? In 200...